
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Electric Longboard - Pre-blog work

About the project: While the name of this blog is Rocket Science, it was originally created as a build-log for the Electric Longboard (ELB) project. Inspired by the hub motor stylings of the BWD Scooter, one of Shane's builds, and Charles' many builds, the ELB is a 4WD longboard with custom in-wheel hub motors. I came up with the general idea in November and completed the bulk of the design work over IAP, MIT's awesome-we-don't-have-real-classes-in-January period. I turned the project into a personal (and later, a duo with Franco M.) research project through the Edgerton Center.

Check out the updated design review!


  1. yay! you're finally starting! i better have something to drag race by august

  2. Haha, I can't believe you found this blog so fast.

  3. You should know that all Charles does is surf the internet for things that link back to his website. ;)
