
Monday, June 30, 2014

Over 2 years...

Wow time flies. It's been 2 years since my last post. Life... Graduate work is sucking most of my time currently. I need to start my thesis (in the field of cyrogenic fluid slosh dynamics) soon, which won't make doing side projects any easier.

Projects update:
-EHB and LITE are suspended until further notice. I'm currently in a small apartment with very little access to machine tools, which makes making things difficult. They will eventually be built and will be followed by some other similar projects I have in mind, probably a scooter.
-I'm working on my Level 3 certification rocket. It's going to be a half scale Phoenix missile.
-Also designing a huge rocket with some MIT Rocket Team cruft. More details on that closer to launch day (BALLS 2015)

I'll post a build log of my L3 rocket similar to my L2 rocket when it's complete.

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