
Sunday, April 1, 2018

More good prints

Tree frog: I used 0.1mm layer height, 30% infill, 200C on this one. Came out amazing. Some blobs and stringing, but very few artifacts. Took 2 hours.


Money Neko: 0.15mm layer height, 25% infill, 200C. 0.1mm layer height would have taken 5 hours. This took a little over 3.

First one failed ~10% in when I bumped the y-axis and it skipped. Second one also failed. It had some bad layers. These were caused by the extruder skipping while extruding. It did this randomly. It was not the extruder stepper motor's wires, or filament tension (ball bearing spool holder). Pausing the print and extruding/retracting seems skips or deadband, so the gear is probably engaged. It's not a clog; I can push the filament through with the extruder lever depressed. Maybe some gunk in the gear teeth? AH! Figured it out. By playing with the lever while manually extruding, it turns out that I have too much pressure on the filament. The stepper motor wasn't strong enough to always turn the gear with that much pressure. I tried taking the inner spring out. Turns out you can't restart a print after moving an axis with the built in's not smart. Second fail. I also managed to break the DiiiCooler when trying to pull the failed print off the build surface. Damn it. Fixed it with liberal amounts of superglue. Third one worked pretty well. Some warping/sagging for overhanging parts. I guess filament is a little hot/not being cooled fast enough. Still some low extrusion layers, but that's probably due to force being too low on the filament now. I might try cutting the inner spring down a bit so it's not as compressed. The weird overextrusion at the start of a layer is still present, though it's far less than XYZ cubes I printed earlier. I can also hear the Z axis rods/carriages rattle...this is likely the source of the ringing apparent in the XYZ cubes. This goes back to my first post about this printer, and how it has a fundamental design flaw.

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