
Saturday, May 19, 2018

A few more successful prints

I designed and printed a couple things.

1. A better filament guide for the Wanhao i3.

It's shorter, so it aligns the filament with the extruder better. First attempt interfered with the spool holder, but I was able to modify it. The thingiverse model has been corrected. I made it so it would fit the teflon tube holder that fixes the coiling problem I mentioned earlier.

2. A SSD adapter for a Supermicro drive tray. I needed this for the homelab cluster.

This one is a bit tricky. Ideally, I'd have plastic on both sides and/or the bottom of the drive, but the way HDD's fit in the trays and the lack of space in the tray bays prevent this. Thus, the SSD is only held in by two side screws. Some support at the back helps keep it in place while being loaded. It works well, and is easy to adjust for thicker SFF drives. I thought about printing and selling them on eBay for less than the SM equivalent (MCP-220-00043-0N), but I'd barely break even.

My Phi adapters are selling ok on eBay. It's a small market, but I think my design is superior to all of the alternatives, so I should be able to make a tiny amount of money and hopefully partially pay off this printer.

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