
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Installing OpenBSD on an old laptop

Up until this point, I've only had experience with Windows, Ubuntu, and RHEL/CentOS. BSD's are another type of Unix OS common in the server/IT/security world, and I thought it'd be a fun exercise to learn how to install and use one. While FreeBSD has more packages/support, OpenBSD supposedly "just works", and it's core is continuously security audited, so I decided to try that one.

Downloading and Verifying

Useful links: 1

The first step is to download the installer. Since my old laptop is a 64bit intel processor, I needed the "amd64" version of installXX.fs, where XX is the version number (6.4 at the time of this writing). You also need to get the SHA256 file, which contains checksums, and the SHA256.sig signature file. If you copy the link address of the installer, paste it into the browser, then navigate to the parent folder you should see those two files are available for download. Since I'm going to create the install media on a USB flash drive from another (Ubuntu) computer, I don't have the OpenBSD sha256 or signify tools installed. On Ubuntu, the corresponding tools are sha256sum and signify-openbsd, though typically you would use gpg on most linux systems for verifying signatures. To do the checksum for the installXX.fs file, do: sha256sum installXX.fs . The output should match the corresponding checksum in the SHA256 file you downloaded. If not, then it did not download correctly. The next thing to check is the signature. This helps prevent downloading of potentially malicious software: if the signature doesn't match, then whatever you downloaded is not what the person who originally signed it meant for you to download. In order to do this, you have to find the public key for the openbsd version/type you are using. The release notes have the signing keys published at the top. Another place to look is the openbsd signify repository, here or here. You want to cross check multiple signing keys because it much harder for a malicious party to compromise the public key in multiple locations. In my case, I needed the After downloading that, I ran the following: signify-openbsd -Cp -x SHA256.sig install64.fs . If this doesn't say that the signature is verified, then either the key is wrong, the sig file is wrong, or the installer download file is wrong. After all of that, you can be fairly confident that the installer downloaded correctly.

Create Installation Media

Start with a blank USB flash drive. If it has partitions on it, delete them with fdisk and write 0's to the first ~MB using dd to zero out the partition table (many online tutorials for how to do this). Then run the command: sudo dd if=installXX.fs of=/dev/sdX bs=1M . On openbsd, the bs=1M would be bs=1m, but I'm doing the installation media creation from a Linux computer. sdX should be the USB drive device (whole device, not a partition on the device). This will create the installation media.

Installation Process

Boot the old laptop with the OpenBSD installation media. The installation guide (or this one) does a decent job of explaining how to do a simple install, which should work for most people. I want to do a simple install on an encrypted drive. 

OpenBSD uses its softraid RAID utility to provide disk encryption. The first step is to figure out which disk you want to encrypt. From the boot menu, select "s" for shell. You can do sysctl hw.disknames to get the devices and disk names, as well as dmesg | egrep '^([cswf]d). ' . For my laptop, the sysctl command outputs 4 devices: sd0:,cd0:,rd0:....,sd1:..... Oddly, the sd0 and cd0 did not have associated disknames. cd0 is the cd drive, and since nothing is in it, that kind of makes sense. But it turns out sd0 is the primary HDD (see below), so I expected it to have a disk name. rd devices are for if you boot into ram, so that can be ignored for our purposes. The dmesg command is a little more useful. It says that sd0 is a drive connected to the scsi bus, and the part number is the primary HDD. It says sd1 is a also a drive connected to the scsi bus, but it's part number is the USB drive I put the installer on. The last check that needs to be done is with fdisk. fdisk sd0 returns the partition table on sd0. Multiplying the number of sectors by the sector size (512 bytes for most HDDs) yields the HDD size, so sd0 is definitely the drive I want. The partition table shows the old linux installation I had on it, which I plan to overwrite. fdisk sd1 returns nothing, I'm guessing because openbsd doesn't want you to accidentally mess up the installer's partitioning while you're using it. One more useful command is disklabel -h sd0 . This outputs more useful information. 

The next step is to prepare the drive (assumed to be sd0 from here on). If you're worried about an attacker figuring out how much of your drive you actually use, then its a good idea to write random bits to the whole drive. This is accomplished with the following: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/rsd0c bs=1m . Note the output device name. OpenBSD devices are named differently than linux devices. The prefix "r" means raw, and the suffix "c" actually refers to the complete disk instead of a partition. If you try to use sd0 instead of rsd0c, it will complain that the disk is full and not do anything. This command will take a long time to run for the full disk. I just let it run for a few minutes, then killed it because this is not a security-critical system. I then ran dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd0c bs=1m for a few seconds to zero out the first chunk of the disk so that fdisk doesn't think there is a (random) partition table present. Now do disklabel -h sd0 and fdisk sd0 . You should now see that the c partition is "unused" and the partition table is all zeros. 

Since this is an old laptop with an old BIOS, I don't have UEFI, and so I don't need a GPT. I need a MBR instead, so I run: fdisk -iy sd0 . The disk encryption guide shows the command for a GPT. Next, create the partitions using disklabel: disklabel -E sd0 . This launches the command driven editor. Following the guide, I created an "a" partition, default offset, full size, FS type RAID, then "w" for write, and "q" for quit the editor. disklabel sd0 now shows the new a partition, which will become the new encrypted device. The next command uses bioctl, which is the RAID management interface: bioctl -c C -l sd0a softraid0 . The -c C means use RAID type CRYPTO, which basically means encrypt the chunk of device -l sd0a, then name it softraid0. It will ask for a passphrase, then attach the new encrypted volume to a pseudo-device, in my case sd2 (because sd1 was the usb drive). Before you can do anything else, you have to run the following command: cd /dev && sh MAKEDEV sd2  . This creates the device nodes in /dev. The way I understand it is that OpenBSD doesn't automatically created the /dev/ nodes for every device, so you have to run the MAKEDEV script for each new one. 

Now, lets say you want to change the password of the encrypted volume. To do that, run: bioctl -P sd2 , enter your old pass phrase, then your new one twice.  

Finally, overwrite the first 1MB of the encrypted volume with zeros for the new MBR: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd2c bs=1m count=1 . Now restart your computer. I found that the restart was necessary or the installer would try to install to the ramdisk device instead of another device, resulting in write errors complaining about not enough space on the disk. Go back into the shell and run the bioctl -c C -l sd0a softraid0 and cd /dev && sh MAKEDEV sd2  commands again to discover and mount the previously made crypto volume. Type exit and hit enter to return to the main menu. Now type I and hit enter and follow the installation guide.

I didn't bother to set up the network devices yet. I selected yes for start sshd by default and yes to star the X window system (since I want a gui). I setup a user, said no to allow root ssh login. I selected sd2 (the encrypted volume) as the root disk, then "w" for whole disk to be partitioned with MBR, then "a" for the automatic default partition scheme. The INSTALL.amd64 guide has more information on how to do custom partitioning. **check this. I didn't notice until much later, but it left about half the volume unused**. It will then take a few seconds to build all of the partitions. You have to option to put partitions on other disks as well, but if you just hit enter, then it assumes you're done. 

The next step is not in the instructions anywhere. If you downloaded the installXX.fs, then you also downloaded the "file sets", which are the main packages for openbsd. This means that they are now on your usb drive. When it asks which device the file sets are on, the default is cd because the file sets used to be a separate (cd) disk from the installer. What you need to do now is type "disk" and hit enter, then select the usb disk (sd1 for me), select it isn't mounted, and select the partition to be mounted, which should be the largest partition (where the file sets are located), which for me was partition a. Then it asks for the pathname to the file sets: just hit enter (the default is correct). If the default is not correct, you can type "!" and hit enter to drop into a shell, and then navigate around until you find the filesets, then type "exit" and hit enter to jump back to the installer. Follow the instructions for selecting/deselecting sets to install. The installer then mentions that the directory does not contain a .sig file and asks if you want to continue without verifying. This is intentional: if someone compromised the installer, then of course they could compromise the verification process. This is why we did the verification process on the entire installXX.fs file (which includes the file sets) at the beginning of these instructions. Thus, we can safely type yes and enter. It then performs the extraction/installation of the file sets. Set your time zone. Finally, reboot. 

After Installation

Boot your system (remember to remove the USB installer first). If you setup an encrypted volume, it will ask you for the passphrase. Then it will boot.

The first thing you need to do is get a network interface up and running (if you didn't during the install). I'm going to use an ethernet interface for this computer, so I connected a cable and did "ifconfig" to find the name of the ethernet adapter, which was msk0 for me, so I created a /etc/hostname.msk0 with the line "dhcp". Then I ran the command sh /etc/netstart . This will initialize the interface. I'll switch it to a static IP (in router and hostname.msk0 file) later. 

The next thing to do is update the date and time. Run: date . If it's way off, the default ntpd won't update/fix the time. Mine was way way off. So I had to run the "date YYYYMMDDHHMM" command to get it close, then ntpd -s to fix the time.

Now run "syspatch", which will patch errata in the current release. 

Run "fw_update" to automatically install missing firmware. It is likely that some firmware will be missing; that's the nature of obscure OS's. 

Read "man afterboot" for more tips, as well as the other openbsd FAQs. 

To change to a static ip address, I reserved an IP address for the computer in my router, the edited the hostname.msk0 file to have "inet 192.168.1.X NONE" as the only line, where X is the IP address I reserved, then I created the file /etc/mygate and put the default gateway in it: (IP of router). Then I ran sh /etc/netstat msk0 to restart the interface. If you did it right, you should see the adapter connected in your router administrator interface and you should be able to ping The dhclient (when dhcp was active before) should have created a resolv.conf file with your gateway as the DNS (meaning: pass DNS queries through the router to your ISP). If not, check the resolv.conf man pages for how to create this.

The default window manager is fvwm. You can create a configuration file for it to make the display nicer, and there are guides online for doing this. There are also better window managers that I might look into later. Tip: to open the window manager menu, left click in a blank area of a screen. You can open multiple windows this way. I ran into an issue where if I log in as a user, then do su root, I can't open anything graphical because XAUTHORITY wasn't set. I had to add export XAUTHORITY=/home/user1/.Xauthority to my root's .profile in order to make it work, but I have no idea if that's a security problem or not.

Installing packages is done with pkg_add. I installed a graphical text editor nedit, rsync which has a progress feature for copying files, and ntfs-3g for mounting/accessing ntfs formatted media.

Shutting down is accomplished with "shutdown -p now".

I restricted SSH access to the local network (using pf firewall rules) and to key authentication only.  I turned off a few things in the ssh config file to harden it. I created key pairs (with a password on the private keys) on the computers that I wanted to be able to SSH with into the openbsd laptop, then put their public keys in the authorized keys file on the openbsd laptop.

The /etc/myname file contains the hostname of the computer, e.g. If that's the hostname, then you could add "bob" and "" to the /etc/hosts file next to localhost on the and ::1 lines. Then add "lookup file bind" to the top of /etc/resolv.conf (which should have your DNS server, the IP of my router in this case) so that any name queries, such as "bob", will result in the resolver checking the /etc/hosts file first before asking the DNS. I did the first part, but not the /etc/resolv.conf part because I don't have anything that needs to resolve my hostname. If I do in the future, I'll finish this setup.

This is a significantly more involved tutorial. Have a look there.

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