
Friday, January 31, 2020

CubeX Rehab Part4

Finished the CAD of the original printer:

I replaced the stock bed with a 375x375mm aluminum plate. This will be large enough to have a 350x350mm heater underneath. The back bed mounting/leveling screws are wider than 350mm apart, so the heating pad will fit between them, but the one in the middle is not far enough forward. I'll have to design and machine a replacement bracket for the front bed support. I may also replace the back two, too, for two reasons: 1. Even though the screws will clear the heating pad, the springs won't, so they'll smush it and/or its insulation, 2. The stock mounts are 40mm rounds of aluminum...stupidly over designed and heavy.

Total build volume will be 240mmx350mm then. I might be able to get another ~20mm of Z height if I get a longer lead screw and modify the little Y axis cable tray.

Parts to design and fabricate:

  • Replacement Z plate. I took the stock plastic one out and saw stress cracks on all screw holes in it. Big surprise...not. Going to mill one out of cast aluminum plate
  • Bed plate - finish design
  • Bed plate mount(s)
  • X carriage/X axis
  • X and Y axis belt tensioners
  • X,Y,Z limit switches (probably 3D printed + switch)
  • Covers for the top and three sides. These'll probably be laser cut acrylic + magnets
  • Electronics mounting
  • Filament holders (external)

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