I did some more garage organization over the last week. The previous owner left these old beat-up particle board cabinets+countertop. They're gross and take up too much space.

After taking them off:
Used concrete patch to fill about 20 holes.
I listed the cabinets for free on FB marketplace, and someone came and got them the next day. I love FB marketplace and craigslist...people haul away the junk you don't want anymore and sometimes give you money for it. Like this ancient snap-on torque wrench I found under one of the cabinets:
It's cool, and I was tempted to keep it, but it's almost certainly out of calibration and I'd never use it. Got $20 for it, though. Next, painting:
Flat white like the rest of the walls I painted.
Only one little patch of not-white remains, and it's behind/around the water heater, which I can't get to easily. Then it was on to building a shelf unit, moving another, and filling them up.
All the rocket stuff is one place now, which is nice. I added a shelf bracket (upper right) to support the really long stuff. The tooling cabinet has a home now, though I still need to clean and repaint it.
That's it for now, plenty more to do. Next up is the bike rack, which will go where one of those shelving units was.