The build log is
this Instructable. Feel free to ask questions about it in comments here or there.
Other projects included:
- Overhaulin' this custom built Segway
- Making a Quadrotor from scratch (an instructable should be up soon, so please don't ask me about it)
- Pong from scratch (and by scratch, I mean wires, LED's, and microcontrollers. I didn't work on it, so again, please don't ask me about it)
Here are some pics of those projects and of the
Edgerton Center Summer 2010 Engineering and Design Class in general:
Parts of the quadcopter |
Believe it or not, the quadcopter actually flew.
Pong from scratch. Tilting the controllers causes the paddle to move. |
The old segway. |
Clear deck |
Oh yeah, LED's |
The eXKateCD team |
Class photo |
Shane's summary is
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